Gel vs. Paste Toothpaste: What Is The Difference?

Gel vs. Paste Toothpaste: What Is The Difference?

Key Takeaways:

  • Personal Preference: Both gel and paste toothpaste effectively clean teeth for cavity prevention, with the choice coming down to personal preference for texture and flavor.
  • Smooth Cleaning Experience: Gel toothpaste tends to be smoother, sometimes less abrasive, and available in a wider range of flavors, while paste toothpaste is known for its deep-cleaning feel and classic taste.
  • Plus Ultra’s All-Natural Gel Toothpaste: Provides a “just left the dentist” clean feel and makes your breath minty fresh every time. Consistent oral hygiene practice is more important than the type of toothpaste used, and consulting with a dentist can help tailor the choice to individual dental health needs. Our product, Plus Ultra Starter Pack, affirms this.

Discover The Power Of Plus Ultra: Say Hello To Sustainable Smiles!

At Plus Ultra, we proudly offer you more than just oral care products. With a strong commitment to sustainability, inclusivity, and philanthropy, our natural and beautiful products will help you take care of your smile while making a positive impact on the planet. 

  • Natural Ingredients: Our products are meticulously crafted using only the finest natural ingredients, free from harsh chemicals, parabens, and artificial additives. Indulge in a wholesome oral care experience that is gentle yet effective, leaving your smile fresh, clean, and healthy.
  • Eco-Conscious Production: We take immense pride in our sustainable practices. Our toothbrush handles are made from bamboo, a fast-growing and renewable resource, while our packaging is eco-friendly and fully recyclable. By choosing Plus Ultra, you join our mission to reduce waste and protect the environment for future generations.
  • Inclusivity: At Plus Ultra, we believe in embracing diversity. Our oral care products suit people of all backgrounds, ages, and oral health needs. Whether you have sensitive teeth, braces, or a unique dental situation, our products offer a versatile solution to ensure everyone enjoys a radiant smile.
  • Philanthropy: We firmly believe in giving back to our communities. With every purchase, a portion of the proceeds goes towards dental health initiatives for underprivileged individuals. By choosing Plus Ultra, you actively contribute to making quality dental care accessible to those in need.

Join us in our journey towards sustainable smiles and make a positive impact on both your oral health and the planet. Experience the power of Plus Ultra today!

What Is Gel Toothpaste?

Gel toothpaste is known for its smooth texture and appealing flavor options. It offers a refreshing alternative to traditional pastes, and its unique formulation provides effective cleaning while being gentle on the teeth and gums.

Key Ingredients In Gel Toothpaste

Hydrated Silica

Gel toothpaste often contains hydrated silica, a mild abrasive that is enamel-safe and helps remove surface stains from teeth. 


Gel toothpaste frequently incorporates xylitol, a natural sugar substitute derived from birch trees or corn. Xylitol helps prevent tooth decay by inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria and promoting a neutral pH environment in the mouth.


Carrageenan contributes to the gel's texture, providing a smooth and stable consistency while aiding in the even distribution of other active ingredients.


Glycerin is a common ingredient in gel toothpaste. It serves as a humectant to retain moisture and prevent the paste from drying out. Its inclusion contributes to the gel's smooth and glossy appearance, enhancing the user experience.

Fluoride Compounds

Fluoride compounds like sodium or stannous fluoride are often found in gel toothpaste. Plus Ultra doesn’t use fluoride, which new studies believe to be a neurotoxin. 


Gel toothpaste may include sorbitol, a sugar alcohol that adds sweetness without promoting tooth decay. Sorbitol also helps maintain the gel's consistency and improves the flavor profile.

Mint And Flavoring Agents

Gel toothpaste typically incorporates various mint and flavoring agents to provide a refreshing and pleasant taste. These agents provide an enjoyable brushing experience, making the gel toothpaste an appealing choice for users.


Mint Flavor


The Variety Of Gel Toothpaste Options

Whitening Gel Toothpaste

Whitening Gel Toothpaste is formulated to enhance the brightness of teeth, featuring potent whitening agents such as baking soda and activated charcoal, which are known for their stain-removing capabilities. Additionally, it often incorporates hydrated silica (which is the natural ingredient that Plus Ultra uses), which acts as a gentle polishing agent, helping to safely and effectively restore the natural whiteness of teeth without harsh abrasives.

Sensitivity Relief Gel Toothpaste

Sensitivity relief toothpaste is crafted to offer a calming and soothing experience for those with sensitive gums. It is infused with specialized desensitizing agents such as potassium nitrate or strontium chloride, which help in reducing dental sensitivity. To enhance comfort, it may also include aloe vera, known for its gentle, soothing properties on sensitive oral tissues.2

Natural And Organic Gel Toothpaste

Natural toothpaste is specifically designed for consumers who prefer products made with natural ingredients, focusing on the benefits of plant-based components. It incorporates elements like tea tree oil and bamboo extract, known for their antibacterial properties, or can include chamomile and aloe vera for their soothing, healing, and anti-inflammatory qualities.

Gel Toothpaste For Kids

This type of toothpaste is tailored to meet children's unique dental needs and preferences, emphasizing making oral hygiene an enjoyable experience. It comes in various fun and appealing flavors, such as bubblegum or various fruits, specifically chosen to encourage kids to brush regularly and maintain good dental habits from a young age.

Anticavity Gel Toothpaste

Anticavity toothpaste is primarily formulated to combat and prevent cavities and tooth decay, a key concern in dental health. It works by strengthening tooth enamel, providing a robust barrier against decay, and offering long-term protection for teeth. This type of toothpaste is essential in maintaining oral health and preventing future dental issues.

Definition Of Paste Toothpaste

Paste is a traditional form known for its thick, opaque consistency. It's a familiar staple in oral hygiene, with a history stretching over a century.

Common Ingredients Of A Paste Toothpaste

Abrasive Agents

Abrasive agents in paste toothpaste are essential for effectively removing plaque and surface stains, contributing to a cleaner and brighter tooth appearance. Common abrasive agents in toothpaste include hydrated silica, calcium carbonate, and dicalcium phosphate. These substances are known for their ability to clean teeth thoroughly while being gentle enough to avoid damaging the enamel.


Humectants ensure that the toothpaste remains smooth and doesn't dry out. Commonly used humectants in toothpaste formulations include glycerin, propylene glycol, and sorbitol. These ingredients help maintain the toothpaste's consistency and ease of use, contributing to a more pleasant brushing experience.


Thickeners are vital ingredients in paste toothpaste, creating a stable and appealing texture. These thickeners, such as xanthan gum and carrageenan, are often derived from natural sources like seaweed. They ensure that the toothpaste maintains a consistent, spreadable form that is easy to apply on a toothbrush and comfortable to use during brushing.


Sweeteners in paste toothpaste are selected to enhance the taste while ensuring they do not promote tooth decay. Common sweeteners used include saccharin, sorbitol, and xylitol. These ingredients are crucial in making the toothpaste more palatable, especially for children, encouraging regular use and improving the overall brushing experience without compromising dental health.

Detergents/Foaming Agents

Detergents and foaming agents in paste toothpaste are essential for creating foam, which aids in the even distribution and coverage of the toothpaste during brushing. While toxic toothpaste uses Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and sodium N-lauroylsarcosinate, these are not among the commonly used detergents in Plus Ultra’s toothpaste formulations. 

Instead, we use Yucca Root as our natural saponin. Saponins are key to ensuring that the toothpaste effectively spreads over all tooth surfaces, facilitating thorough cleaning and enhancing the overall effectiveness of the brushing process.

Flavoring Agents

Flavoring agents in paste toothpaste are integral for providing a pleasant taste, significantly enhancing the overall user experience. These agents come in various flavors, including popular options like peppermint and spearmint and a range of artificial fruit flavors. Their role is to make the toothpaste more appealing, especially in encouraging regular use among children and adults sensitive to strong or medicinal tastes. Plus Ultra only uses natural mint flavoring in our all-natural gel toothpaste. 


Preservatives in paste toothpaste are crucial for extending its shelf life and ensuring its safety by inhibiting bacterial growth. Commonly used preservatives include sodium benzoate and ethylparaben. These ingredients are essential in maintaining the toothpaste's efficacy and preventing contamination over time, assuring that each use is as effective and hygienic as the first.

Binding Agents

Binding Agents in paste toothpaste are key components that ensure the product maintains a consistent and stable form. Examples of such agents include carrageenan and guar gum. These ingredients are vital in keeping the various components of the toothpaste evenly distributed, preventing separation, and providing a uniform texture that is both effective for cleaning teeth and pleasant to use.

Benefits Of Gel Toothpaste

Efficient Cleaning

Despite its smoother texture compared to traditional paste toothpaste, gel toothpaste is highly effective in removing plaque. Its formulation is designed to provide efficient cleaning, helping to maintain dental hygiene and ensure a healthier mouth.

Fresh Taste And Sensation

Gel toothpaste is often favored for its fresh taste and sensation. Many users appreciate the clean feeling it leaves in the mouth and the pleasant breath it provides. This refreshing experience can enhance the overall appeal of brushing and contribute to better oral care habits.

Easy To Spread

One of the notable advantages of gel toothpaste is its slick consistency, which allows for easy spreading over tooth surfaces. This feature aids in achieving thorough coverage during brushing, ensuring that all areas of the teeth and gums are effectively cleaned.


Easy to spread


Less Abrasive

Gel toothpaste is often formulated to be gentler on teeth and gums compared to their paste counterparts. This characteristic makes them a suitable option for individuals with sensitive mouths. Their less abrasive nature ensures effective cleaning while minimizing the risk of irritation or damage to delicate oral tissues, offering a comfortable brushing experience for those with sensitivity concerns.

Benefits Of Paste Toothpaste

Time-Tested Reliability

Paste toothpaste has established a long-standing reputation for dependable cleanliness.

Thicker Consistency For Deep Clean

The thicker paste or gel toothpaste texture is specifically designed to aid in effectively removing plaque and debris. This consistency ensures a deep clean, reaching into the crevices of teeth and gums to remove buildup and maintain oral hygiene.

Final Thoughts

Choosing between gel and paste toothpaste really comes down to what you prefer and what your teeth need. Both types do a great job of keeping your teeth and mouth healthy. The most important thing is to brush regularly with a toothpaste that suits you.

Brushing consistently is crucial for good oral health. If you're unsure which toothpaste to use, a quick chat with your dentist can help guide you. The best toothpaste is the one that you'll use consistently and feel comfortable with.

Keeping up with oral care is vital, but sometimes, you’re not at home. Plus Ultra's Whitening On The Go is perfect for those looking for an effective whitening boost, no matter if you are at home or traveling on the go! Try Plus Ultra's Whitening On The Go and experience a simple and convenient way to support your daily brushing routine.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can gel toothpaste whiten teeth?

Yes, gel toothpaste can whiten teeth if it includes whitening ingredients, just as paste toothpaste can.

Is toothpaste rougher than gel?

Paste toothpaste can be a bit grittier than gel, which helps scrub off plaque and stains.

Do toothpaste gel and paste have the same fluoride?

Generally, both gel and paste toothpaste contain fluoride, which is crucial for protecting teeth from cavities.

Is gel toothpaste good for sensitive teeth?

Yes, gel toothpastes are often formulated specifically for sensitive teeth.

Does gel toothpaste foam as much as paste?

Some gel toothpastes might not foam as much as paste toothpastes, but they still clean effectively.

Is gel toothpaste more costly?

The prices can vary, but gel toothpaste is often similarly priced to paste toothpaste.

Can I switch between gel and paste?

Sure, you can switch between gel and paste toothpastes as long as they meet your dental care needs.


  1. What Is Sorbitol? Benefits, Uses, Side Effects, and More. (2020, September 25). Healthline.
  2. Li, J., Han, Q., Zhang, L., Zhang, J., & Zhong, Y. (2023). Efficacy of a toothpaste containing paeonol, potassium nitrate, and strontium chloride on dentine hypersensitivity: A double-blind randomized controlled trial in Chinese adults. Heliyon, e14634.
  3. Stevens, A. (2022, May 25). The Toothpaste You Should be Using Based on Your Needs. Dr. Andrea Stevens.

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